Advance Sales: Advance sales for the movie "Salaar" in the USA have reached an impressive $74,993.

Locations: The film is set to release in 108 locations across the USA.

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Number of Shows: A total of 269 shows will be screened for the movie.

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Tickets Sold: As of now, 2,569 tickets have already been sold in advance. Salaar hits $100k+ in USA pre-sales in no time.The Dinosaur hunt has started.

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Premiere Date: The highly anticipated premieres for "Salaar" in the USA are scheduled for September 27th.

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Record Release: "Salaar" is poised to become the largest Indian cinema release ever in North America, with over 1,979 locations.

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High Expectations: Advance bookings have been exceptional, and there are high expectations for the premieres, with a minimum projected gross of $2.5 million.

credit: google